Shakespearean Vocabulary List

Below, you'll find a handy list of some of the most common words used by Shakespeare translated into modern English. 

  • ABHOR - To reject, disdain 

  • ABSOLUTE - Without flaw, perfect 

  • ADDICTION - Tendency, proneness 

  • BALK - To hesitate, chop; to dispute 

  • BRAVE - Handsome 

  • CHARACTER - Letter, word 

  • COIL - Distress, trouble 

  • COUCH - To go to sleep 

  • CUNNING - Clever, sharp 

  • DELATION - Accusation 

  • DESERVING - Merit, reward 

  • DRAW - To bring near, call to 

  • EGAL - Equal 

  • EMBOSS - To track with the intent to kill 

  • EXPEDIENCE - Quickness 

  • FANCY - To desire 

  • FEAR - To scare, frighten 

  • FRONT - To oppose, affront, object 

  • GAST - Scared, aghast 

  • GRAVE - To inter, bury 

  • HEAVY - Sad, painful, mournful 

  • HONEST - Pure 

  • INHERIT - Given; to accept or believe 

  • JUDICIOUS - Fair, equitable 

  • KNAP - To hit, strike 

  • KNAVE - A young boy, a servant 

  • LAND - Yard 

  • LAPSED - Shocked, overcome 

  • MAD - Crazy, wild 

  • MATE - To confuse; to match 

  • NOTE - Bill, list; to take note of 

  • O'ER-RAUHOT, O'ER WROUGHT - Overcome 

  • OUGHT - Privy to, promised 

  • PAINFUL - Difficult, hard to do 

  • PALL - To wrap up 

  • PARTICOAT - To cover in colorful fabric 

  • PERPEND - To think of, consider 

  • QUAINT - Beautiful, ornate 

  • QUAKE - To shake, tremble 

  • QUICKEN - To bring to life, bring to one's senses 

  • RAPTURE - A fit, ecstasy 

  • RAVIN - Likely to destroy; hunger

  • RESPECT - Forethought, consideration 

  • RETIRE - To go to bed, to retreat 

  • SHRIFT - To admit

  • SIMULAR - Counterfeit 

  • STILL - Always, forever 

  • SUBSCRIPTION - Acquiescence, obedience 

  • TAKE - To overtake; to enthrall 

  • TAX - Blame, censure 

  • TESTY - Worrisome 

  • TRIGON - A triangle 

  • UNDERGO - To take on 

  • UNPREGNANT - Idiotic, inane 

  • VILE - Disgusting, hateful 

  • VINDICTIVE - Vengeful 

  • WALL-EYED - Wide-eyed, angry, surprised 

  • WANT - To lack 

  • WHEREFORE - Why 

  • YARE - Prepared, ready 

  • YOUNG - Recent 

  • ZANY - Idiotic, clownish 

Sample Shakespearean Phrases 

That was fun, right? In some senses, it's almost like a different language. But, in truth, we say a lot of things today that Shakespeare himself coined. Some of the most notable phrases include: 

  • All that glitters isn't gold. (from Macbeth

  • Break the ice (from The Taming of the Shrew

  • A brave new world (from The Tempest) 

  • In my heart of hearts (from Hamlet

  • Jealousy is a green-eyed monster (from Othello

  • The world is my oyster (from The Merry Wives of Windsor) 

When you have a moment, take a look at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. They list even more words and phrases that, despite their inception over 400 years ago, we still speak today. 

Shakespeare's Pronouns 

Elizabethan English used a set of pronouns than we're used to. The first person -- I, me, my, and mine -- remains basically the same. 

The second-person singular (you, your, yours), however, is translated like so: 

  • "Thou" for "you" (nominative, as in "Thou hast risen.") 

  • "Thee" for "you" (objective, as in "I give this to thee.") 

  • "Thy" for "your" (genitive, as in "Thy dagger floats before thee.") 

  • "Thine" for "yours" (possessive, as in "What's mine is thine.") 

Shakespearean English Is Modern English 

Because of the oddities and complexities inherent in the language of Shakespeare, sometimes his works seem incomprehensible. However, you may be surprised to know that William Shakespeare's English is technically modern English! 

That's right, much of the language spoken by William Shakespeare (known as Elizabethan English) is still in use today, and is distinct from Middle English (the language of Geoffrey Chaucer, who wrote The Canterbury Tales) and Early English (as found inBeowulf).

This does not mean, however, that Shakespeare's English uses the exact same words and phrases that we use but formed the basis of today's English. In fact, some of his phrases are very different from anything you've ever heard. 

Source: Shakespeare Translator